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How do I cancel?

How to cancel your Raylo lease

Adam L avatar
Written by Adam L
Updated over a week ago

We're sorry to hear you'd like to cancel. If there is anything we can do to help, please contact us.

How do I cancel and return within the cooling off period?

To cancel within the cooling off period:

  1. Log into your Raylo Account and click on "Your tech".

  2. Select "View details" on the device you’d like to cancel.

    1. If it hasn't been dispatched, select “Cancel order”.

    2. If it has been dispatched, select "Cancel lease" to return the device.

  3. Follow the provided steps to complete the process.

The cooling off period ends 14 days after your order is dispatched. After this date, please follow the instructions for “How do I cancel outside the cooling off period but before the end of my lease?” below.

How do I cancel and return at the end of my lease?

To cancel at the end of your lease:

  1. Log into your Raylo Account and click on "Your tech".

  2. Select "View details" the device you’d like to cancel.

  3. Select "See end-of-lease options", then "Cancel" to return the device.

  4. Follow the provided steps to complete the process.

Please note: If you’re happy with the device you’ve been using, then just carry on paying monthly. If you want to purchase the device, please contact us to discuss.

How do I cancel outside the cooling off period but before the end of my lease?

To initiate the cancellation process outside of the cooling off period:

  1. Open the chat messenger:

    1. Select the chat icon in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen.

    2. If you’re already viewing this in the messenger or on the app, select the back arrow to return to the main menu.

  2. Select “Send us a message”.

  3. Choose “Wait for the team”.

  4. Follow the steps provided under the “Cancel” option.

Alternatively, you can complete the information in the Model Returns Form here and send it to us.

Please note: There may be charges associated with your Cancellation depending on:

  • if you are cancelling after the cooling off period;

  • if your device has been damaged or has become defective;

  • if your device has been opened / activated if it was new.

Other information

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